Thursday, July 28, 2011

Can't it just go away?

I have been hesitant to write this particular note because of the sensitivity of the subject. So if you are opposed to reading about female issues , now is the time to exit and go to something new. For all of you that have asked about how I am doing post procedure, here it is. The procedure was horrific in itself but I was feeling much better the next day. My instructions said I could resume normal activities the next day but I took it easy for the next couple of days after that to be on the safe side and because I was so incredibly tired.
     The post procedure instructions also said that I could expect some pinkish discharge for 6 to 10 days and then profuse and watery thereafter for up to two to 3 weeks. Basically they are torching the inside of my uterus so at some point it scabs over and just like with any other burn weeps fluid. I had miniscule amounts of discharge for 5 days, none for the next two and then the profuse watery stuff began. By Monday of this week the color f the discharge was darker . By yesterday I had began to be uncomfortable and was very tired.
     One of the reasons I had this procedure to begin with was the hope that most of my exhaustion was hormonal related and would be fixed.Once my body got over the initial shock of the procedure I did indeed seem to feel better. There was several times last week in fact that I woke up before Eric went to work and made it through the whole day without feeling like I needed a nap. I was much more alert and had more energy than I have had for a long time. So me feeling tired yesterday was an indication that something wasn't quite right. I mentioned to a friend of mine last night at church that I was gonna call the Dr's office and ask some questions.
     I didn't make it that long. When I got home from church I started bleeding heavily and passing huge clots. I called the after hours emergency nurse line to find out if I needed to visit the ER.I was told to stay off my feet and to call back first thing this morning to make an appointment. Staying off of my feet slowed the flow and I was able to sleep well.Once my feet hit the floor this morning though it started all over again. Its pretty scary stuff. The being uncomfortable had become pain and I just in general felt bad.
    So the diagnosis is infection and antibiotics are on board. It may be another two weeks now before I see the end of some kind of fluid draining from my body. I am so frustrated at this point. The day of my procedure I was on day 19 of a period so today is the 34th day of having to wear a pad or a tampon with another couple of weeks before it may be over. I just want it all to go away so I can hopefully return to some kind of normalcy.

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