Monday, August 1, 2011


     Tomorrow is my birthday and usually for my birthday I ask for the whole family to go to Red Lobster and enjoy a meal because it is my favorite place to eat. I have asked for that this year but not entirely sure that I will get it. Last night my wonderful husband asked what else I wanted. Usually I say "nothing honey, I have everything I want or need" and usually that is so but its been one heck of a summer and so here's the real deal.Listed below are my wishes from most important to least important.
     #1 I wish for the low oil pressure light to quit blinking in my van so we don't have to spend money on it because we have spent enough money on it already this summer which leads me to wish
     #2 I want cold air to magically blow out of the vents of my van without having to spend another penny because we have spent enough money on it already this summer.
     #3 I want all the leaking discharge to magically disappear and for my body to return to normal
     #4 I want my kids to stop fighting so I can keep what little sanity I have
     #5 I want a job that pays more than the one I have right now without turning my life totally upside down
     #6 I want my hormones to return to normal so all of the things above don't drive me to tears the moment I think about them
     I am a simple woman. I am the least materialistic person on the face of the planet.I am not hard to please really I am not. It just seems that there has been little peace since school let out and I am feeling a little overwhelmed. I know, its life and we just have to deal with it. I am not the only person out there with issues and my issues can't even compare to some . I know I am blessed. I know things could be worse . Knowing all of that and still having the energy to deal with everything I am dealing with right now are worlds apart.

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